A Dorchester nursery and play club has seen its Ofsted rating fall from Good to Inadequate after suffering a large number of staff changes over a short time.

Sunny Days, off Middle Farm Way, has now recruited a new manager and extra staff and is making the changes Ofsted inspectors required.

The report raises no concerns about some areas and says that the provision and care of the youngest children, is good and the staff responsive to their needs.

But for some older age groups staff were found not be responding well enough to some situations and were slow to intervene when children became over-excited or boisterous.

The business has already taken action to improving staffing after being issued with welfare requirement notices by Ofsted inspectors.

They were concerned about the adequacy of supervision of some age groups during an inspection in April at Sunny Days Nursery and Play Club – returning later in the month, confirming that the required steps had been taken.

These included additional staff to supervise toddlers and pre-school children: “The provider has made changes to the daily routine and organisation, such as splitting pre-school children into smaller groups during mealtimes, to enable staff to supervise them more effectively,” said an Ofsted report.

In May another notice was served, followed by another inspection and, because the work had not been completed a second notice to improve was issued – followed by a regulatory visit.

This time the inspectors were satisfied that sufficient action had been taken, reporting “We found that the provider has improved their support and coaching for staff particularly for those staff working in the pre-school rooms. This is being well monitored by the management team. All staff have completed key-person training and have a better understanding of their role as the key person and how they engage and support their key children. Staff are supporting children with special education needs more effectively and helping children to learn boundaries and expectations for their behaviour. We are satisfied the provider has met the safeguarding and welfare actions raised.”

Ofsted’s last formal inspection, made in April 2023, and published on June 17, changed the overall effectiveness of the centre from Good at the previous inspection to Inadequate.

The report noted that staff management of some of the children’s behaviour was, at the time, ineffective: “They do not supervise the toddlers and pre-school children well enough or help them to understand the expectations and boundaries. This places children at risk of harm. For example, staff see toddlers repeatedly throwing sand in each other’s faces and ask them to stop but then immediately walk away, so the toddlers continue.”

The inspection also found children not being encouraged to use their manners and staff not intervening when children become over-excited or boisterous: “Many children, including those who require additional support, go for long periods without any interaction or direction from staff. They become unfocused, so their behaviour sometimes deteriorates and they hurt each other.”

The report said that while some toddlers and pre-school children did not receive enough support the situation was far better in the baby rooms where staff were meeting individual needs appropriately.

The report said that there had been a large number of staff changes over a short period of time, including a new manager who had not, at the time of Ofsted visits, had enough time to make the necessary changes.

The report also noted that parents praised the advice and guidance they have received from staff to support their children’s development at home.

Caring for children up to nine years old the centre had 178 places and operates from 7am to 6pm each weekday, all year round, excluding bank holidays. There are 18 members of staff who work with the children and, of these, 10 hold relevant qualifications at levels 2 and 3. Childcare staff are supported by a cook, kitchen staff, maintenance and administrative staff.

'Lots of support for nursery'

Director of Sunny Days Joy Scadden says that the business has now met all the requirements of the notices issued by Ofsted.

“I place the ‘short staff’ comment in context, which is that we were at the time short staffed in some job roles, and consequently for the first time in our history we had to rely upon agency staff. Short staff does not mean and did not mean we were placing children or staff at risk, and the ratios and regulations were always met.”

Ms Scadden says that the new Dorchester manager, appointed in April, was previously manager at the Bridport nursery, is highly experienced and has worked for Sunny Days for over a decade.

"The manager and her team quickly put a plan in place to respond to the actions raised from the inspection and Ofsted have seen a significant turnaround since then. We have also received support from the local authority.

“Since the publication of the report last week, we have been delighted to receive a great deal of support and lovely messages from the parents, the majority of whom were shocked by the outcome as it isn’t what they experience on a daily basis.”

The director quotes some of the comments received –

“I am absolutely livid that Ofsted have rated the nursery as inadequate. As a parent, my main concern is that my child is happy, safe and well cared for and I can assure you that she is all of those. Personally, I think everyone in toddlers is doing a brilliant job. It’s clearly a very busy room yet the staff all know my child as an individual and treat her as such.’ “… I wanted to say that we have always found Sunny Days to be brilliant! My son has come on leaps and bounds since he joined you a couple of years ago. Hopefully OFSTED will see all the positive things you do when they come and review.’”

Sunnys Days say that parents have been provided with an opportunity to discuss any concerns and have been reassured by the positive changes and plan in place.

“The staff and the management team continue to work hard to make improvements and we look forward to a very positive outcome when Ofsted returns in a few months,” said the statement from the nursery.