Residents of a street in Weymouth have called for action after grass left unattended for months has grown to a 'dangerous' length. 

Residents of Southill Garden Drive in Weymouth are calling on Dorset Council to cut the grass areas outside their houses, amid concerns about trip hazards, fires, ticks and snakes.

Carol Rutherford, 79, is a resident of Southill Garden Drive.

Dorset Echo: The grass at Southill Garden Drive has not been cut in 2022The grass at Southill Garden Drive has not been cut in 2022 (Image: Alison Frampton)

She said that the grass has been untouched since before Christmas in 2022.

She said: "We have tried everything, it has become a health hazard.

"The grass is very long outside my gate, the other day I tried to walk from my gate to the path and I tripped in the grass.

"I feel I should be able to walk from my gate to the pavement safely.

"Fortunately they have trimmed a pathway for me to get to the pathway, but nothing else has been done."

Dorset Echo: Carol Rutherford, 79, stood in the long grass outside her houseCarol Rutherford, 79, stood in the long grass outside her house (Image: Alison Frampton)

Fellow resident Alison Frampton said: "We are very concerned about the state of our grass areas, the grass is now very high and we believe now quite dangerous.

"My neighbour Carol last Monday actually took a tumble due to the grass. Dorset Council did attend and cut a pathway for her. But that was it I'm afraid. 

"The grass is dry and is a fire hazard, as it is so very close to people's homes.

"There are a lot of dog walkers in the area, the ticks are now abundant in the grass. 

"Some owners' dogs are having to see vets due to paw injuries from the grass.

"My cat brought home a large slow worm at the weekend, so we are thinking snakes are possibly now there as well.

"Owners are no longer able to pick up dog poo now."

Due to land ownership, the grass at Southill Garden Drive is dealt with by Dorset Council and not Weymouth Town Council.

Dorset Council was contacted but did not comment.

It is understood the council has assured residents that the grass will be cut, however, issues with lawnmowing equipment have delayed the works.

Dorset Echo: The grass length has been described as dangerous by residentsThe grass length has been described as dangerous by residents (Image: Alison Frampton)

Dorset Council Cllr Pete Barrow said: "It is a bit of a nightmare, I have contacted the council several times in the past few weeks and they have said they will cut the grass by the end of this week.

"But if it is still not done in the next few weeks I will do it myself.

"I know one of the residents there, if he lets me plug my lawnmower in, I will cut it.

"It is really annoying to see the state of the neighbourhood deteriorating.

"The council has acknowledged that they are well behind, they have said they are having problems with their mowing machinery, once that is fixed they will work to get rid of the backlog as soon as possible.

"It really isn't good enough for residents. I will be talking to the council about this.

"I worked for 39 years in the fire service and there is so much dry vegetation, it is a real risk of fire."