A community is celebrating a massive reduction in anti-social behaviour (ASB) following the installation of CCTV in the area.

ASB in Littlemoor, Weymouth, has decreased by 80 per cent following the installation of cameras, which were partially funded by the Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner's Operation Relentless Community Fund.

Littlemoor Youth and Community Services Chair James Knott-Fancy was delighted to welcome Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner David Sidwick and Big4Littlemoor Co-Chair Debbie Hellaby to review the installation of the CCTV at the Top Club in Littlemoor.

Big4Littlemoor and the Operation Relentless Community Fund co-funded the CCTV to assist in the improvement of anti-social behaviour on Littlemoor.

One resident said the presence of CCTV has made them feel 'much safer' in the neighbourhood.

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick, said: “I am delighted to hear that Littlemoor Youth and Community Services have seen an 80% decrease in Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) incidents since the installation of CCTV cameras, partially funded by my Operation Relentless Community Fund.

"I am aware of the hugely negative impact ASB can have on communities, which is why I launched the fund which is all about giving Dorset’s residents the power to come together and combat the issue in a way that suits their community, exactly like it has in Littlemoor.

"The fund is aimed at bringing forward practical solutions to Dorset’s problems, so if you are a charity or local project and you fit the bidding criteria – I would encourage you to bid for funding.

"Together, we can banish ASB and continue to drive towards making Dorset the safest county.”

Mrs Hellaby said: "The Big4Littlemoor partnership is pleased to be able to match fund the CCTV project to help address anti-social behaviour."

Match funding projects on Littlemoor have helped to empower the community's various organisations enabling them to engage with external support opportunities and ensure that the work they do can continue.

Big4Littlemoor also recently provided funding for Youth Hub Sessions at the Top Club Littlemoor to support engagement with the youths on the estate.

Sessions take place every Wednesday from 4pm to 5.30pm for years 3 to 7 and 6pm to 7.30pm for years 8 to 11.

For more information on the funding opportunities visit https://www.dorset.pcc.police.uk/working-in-partnership/operation-relentless-community-fund-asb/