ON the televised news on Thursday evening, a council spokeswoman, in referring to the obnoxious heaps of seaweed spoiling the beach for the holiday-makers and locals alike, claimed the decision to leave the slimy, unpleasant mass was as a result of environmental concerns.

READ MORE: 'Visitors blast 'slimy' beach covered in seaweed'

I’d like to think those responsible will tell rate-payers and holiday-makers full details of the environmental advice.

I cannot be the only one who would be thrilled to know.

Looking on the bright side, perhaps the money saved by not bothering to remove the revolting weed could be spent on writing the words ‘CYCLING FORBIDDEN’ in large lettering, across the Esplanade in several places from end to end, to prevent those selfish/blind/short-sighted cyclists who appear to regard it as a velodrome, from putting those walking on the front, in danger.

In fairness to those cyclists who are blind or just short-sighted, the tiny roadside signs presently in place, are easily missed.

Ron Hill
