A group of veterans and volunteers are set to climb the three highest peaks in Britain to raise money for charity.

Eleven members of the Veterans Hub in Weymouth will take on the three peaks challenge on the first weekend of September to raise funds for the Veterans Hub and the Veterans Charity.

They intend to complete the challenge of climbing Mt. Snowdon, in Wales (1085m), Scafell Pike, in England (978m) and Ben Nevis, in Scotland (1345m), covering a distance of 23 miles in a 24 hour time frame.

Andy Price, founder, and project manager at the Veterans Hub, is taking part in the challenge.

He said: “I think it’s more important to complete the challenge together than in the time frame. We start as a team and we finish as a team and if it takes longer, then it takes longer.”

The veteran added: “For every person doing it, it’s a personal challenge for them – it’s not a competition.

“I have had a block when it comes to challenging myself to do anything mentally. It’s tough for me to do anything like this so I wanted to do this to push through the mental health barrier - I just haven’t been able to motivate myself to do anything. My life is work, home, work, home.”

The group have called themselves ‘Benji's Bandits’ after the Springer Spaniel that will be joining them on their trek.

Andy said: “We have a spaniel called Benji who’s coming along with us. He’s had a troubled life himself and we took him in as a hub dog.

“Many of those taking part have physical injuries including back and hip problems as well as suffering with their mental with conditions such as PTSD.

“The group are currently training for the big challenge either solo or in pairs and they are trying to meet-up at least once a month to train all together.”

The Veterans Hub, which also runs a café, is open six days per week and is run by veterans for the whole community with facilities including a gym, gardens and welfare services, which are free to access for veterans and their families.

The Veterans Charity offer immediate support for veterans who are going through tough times, by way of providing brand new white good, electronics, clothing, bespoke food shops, and help with utility bills.

Andy added: “It’s proven that going out in the fresh air does wonders for your mental health.”

There will also be a three-person support team cheering the team on which includes a former Royal Marine, a former guardsman, and a paramedic.

The group are also on the lookout for sponsors to get involved and if you would like to find out more or donate, visit: https://donorbox.org/benji-s-bandits-take-on-the-three-peaks-1#info