Generous donations from Dorchester residents, organisations and events raised an impressive £2,539.51 for a local branch of a charity.

It will go to the Mid Dorset Mencap Group as a result of being selected by former Dorchester Mayor Gareth Jones as a nominated charity during his time as mayor.

Councillor Jones, who is currently deputy mayor, presented a cheque to Tim Malins, chairman of Mid Dorset Mencap Group at its charity and coffee shop in Trinity Street, Dorchester.

The charity supports local people with a learning disability or additional need.

Councillor Jones thanked the people of Dorchester who gave willingly at events to raise the money.

He also said how impressed he was with the progress that has been made by Mid-Dorset Mencap to create a safe haven for people to meet and socialise.

Secretary of the group Mervyn Harris said: “We were bowled over by the size of the award, which was made possible by generous donations from the kind people of Dorchester and from contributions from groups and events such as the Casterbridge Rotary Club, Beerex, The Lions Club, The BID, the Cider Festival and others, as well as the Mayors own fundraising activities.

"This grant will be a huge help and will allow us to start work on a community garden to the rear of the building which will become part of our café space."

The group, after a great deal of hard work by volunteers and other supporters, are progressing well with their plans to expand the services they offer.

In a few months they will be offering ASDAN courses in Retail and Basic Food preparation to local adults with a learning disability.

The group is always looking for further support and are always pleased to talk to people who may be interested by becoming a trustee or volunteer for the group.

Anyone interested should contact Mid Dorset Mencap Group by emailing