DETAILS on exactly how a talented Dorset tattooist died while travelling in Mexico remain a “mystery”, an inquest has heard.

Bethany Marie Eaton died on December 28, 2021, in Puerto Morelos from a traumatic brain injury sustained after a crash between a motorcycle, she was a passenger on, and a vehicle carrying out roadworks.

However, delays in receiving information from the Mexican authorities, coupled with alleged “inconsistencies” in eyewitness testimony, have delayed inquest proceedings.

The circumstances of Beth;s death are still under investigation by senior coroner for Dorset Rachael Griffin, who held another pre-inquest review hearing at Bournemouth Town Hall on Thursday, April 20.

Since the previous hearing in February, some facts about the incident have become clearer.

The 27-year-old had been in Mexico since May of 2021 and was travelling with her partner Sam Smith, known to the family as Sam Jones.

The court heard how the couple were travelling down a single-lane dirt road on their way back from a supermarket at around 5.35pm on December 28.

It was said that the motorcycle Beth was riding on stopped behind a large ‘grader’ vehicle involved in the roadworks after it came to a junction.

While stationary, the vehicle began to reverse backwards and eventually struck the motorbike and then Ms Eaton – who suffered a fatal brain injury.

Dorset Echo: The inquest took place in Bournemouth Town HallThe inquest took place in Bournemouth Town Hall

According to evidence collated by Mrs Griffin, the road had no lighting, no road signs and no CCTV. The roadworks had been arranged by a nearby residents’ group and were described as “private” works.

Mrs Griffin said: “I can answer the who, when and where. It’s the how she came by her death that will take more time.”

It is understood the Mexican investigation into the incident is also ongoing. However, Beth’s mother, Lauren Eaton, said that Mexican authorities contacted her two days after her daughter had died, asking if they could close the investigation into her death.

Meanwhile, Beth's father, Mark Eaton, expressed concerns over apparent changes in the account given by Sam Smith – who has been identified by Mrs Griffin as an interested person in the inquest.

“My daughter lost her life and he escaped unharmed," he said, "we need to know how that happened.”

In response, Mrs Griffin said: “Sam was present, therefore he is the best person to answer these questions.

“People react in different ways, what happened was extremely traumatic and whilst I understand the questions the family are asking, sometimes trauma can impact recollections.”

She did, however, make a plea to the family of Mr Smith to ensure he attends a future hearing to help establish the facts of the incident.

Mrs Griffin adjourned the inquest to gather more information for a further preliminary hearing on December 6.