More than 100 mature motorists from across Dorset attended a drivers' awareness event.

It was held in Wimborne by Dorset Police's road casualty reduction team in partnership with Dorset Road Safe.

During the event attendees received educational input from driver awareness instructors.

After the presentation attendees were able to talk to organisations and businesses offering eyesight checks, blood pressure reviews, reaction and grip testing as well as information on driving safer for longer.

A member of the road casualty reduction team said: "Older motorists have a wealth of experience, confidence and tolerance.

"However, sight, hearing, reaction time and judgement of speed and distance may not be as sharp as it once was.

"Awareness events such as this along with our partnership with the older drivers forum, support mature drivers who may have concerns about driving.

"It also gives support to family members who may have concerns about a family member."

For more information, visit the website