Dorset's Police and Crime Commissioner will attend a meeting on Portland in a bid to address residents' concerns over ‘nightmare’ anti-social behaviour on the isle.

David Sidwick, Dorset PCC, will answer residents' questions about recent police cuts to the isle, which some attribute to a rise in anti-social behaviour.

The police head was contacted by Portland Town Council chairman Jim Draper, who expressed his concerns and requested a meeting.  

As a result of Cllr Draper's plea, Mr Sidwick confirmed he will attend the next Portland Town Council meeting on Wednesday, March 15 at 7pm at the Portland Community Venue.

Residents are being urged to attend the meeting to air their views on the situation.

At a Portland Town Council meeting held last month, one resident described the anti-social behviour as 'the worst it has ever been'.

Among the catalogue of complaints brought to the public meeting were street fighting, eggs being hurled at homes and bottles being smashed.

The complaints were aired as islanders heard that police cutbacks meant there is only a Police Constable (PC) and a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) remaining who are dedicated to Portland, as part of what Dorset Police has called a 'short-term redistribution of officers'.

READ MORE: Residents in yob-blighted streets hear just ONE police officer remains in area

An Easton resident, who didn't wish to be named, told the Echo that the incidents of anti-social behaviour have been continuing on Portland and people are 'scared' to report it to the police.

They said: “It has been massively noisy. The other day they brought a shopping trolley into the park and were smashing it. I feel people don’t report it because they are scared about being targeted.

“I just want a quiet life, and that’s what everyone else wants too. I will definitely attend the meeting. Having police makes all the difference, not just driving around, but getting out and talking to the offenders."

A spokesman from Portland Town Council said: “Following the February Full Council meeting, the Chair of the Council, Cllr Jim Draper wrote to the Dorset Police & Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick on behalf of the Council and Portland Community expressing concerns around the anti-social behaviour taking place on the Island and the level of Police resources available to Portland.

“The Council Chair also requested an opportunity for the Town Council and the community to meet with the Police & Crime Commissioner. The Commissioner has confirmed his attendance at the next monthly Town Council meeting.

“We look forward to Portland residents joining Town Councillors at this meeting.”