A new ‘tea n toast’ morning is starting up to give veterans and active service members the chance to catch up over refreshments.

C Company 6 Rifles will be hosting a veterans' ‘Tea 'n' Toast’ event from 10am to 12pm on Wednesday, March 22 at the Army Reserve Centre on Poundbury Road in Dorchester.

Tea 'n' Toast is the traditional term for the mid-morning break – also referred to as a Naafi Break for the Junior Ranks. It is where the Senior NCOs retire to the Serjeants' Mess to chew the fat over a cup of tea or coffee and where most of the day-to-day business of the regiment is decided.

The event is being held in conjunction with the Veterans Hub Weymouth and is hoped to become a monthly affair.

A spokesperson said: “This is the first of what we hope will be a monthly event which will give veterans, many of whom may have lost touch with their service family or who are feeling the pinch, a chance to catch up and reminisce with old friends, or if needed, the opportunity to talk in confidence to service charities.”

The gate and main hall will be open from 9.30am and any former servicemen or women from the local area are welcome to drop in and help themselves to refreshments which are being provided by the Veterans Hub.

Representatives from service welfare charities will also be on hand for a chat if required.