A CANDLELIT vigil is to be held in West Bay this weekend to remember a transgender teenager who was stabbed to death in a park. 

Brianna Ghey, 16, was found dead in a park in the village of Culceth near Warrington at 3.13 pm on Saturday, February 11.

Since then, a 15-year-old girl from Warrington and a 15-year-old boy from Leigh, who can't be named for legal reasons, have been charged with murder.

Since Brianna's death, vigils to pay respects to her have been honoured up and down the country. 

This weekend another vigil is to be held, this time in Bridport for members of the public to attend. 

The memorial service will be held on the pier at West Bay on Saturday, February 25 at 6pm. 

The event is open to all members of the community and people are invited to say a few respectful words, read a poem or sing a song in memory of Brianna. 

To find out more information about the vigil you can visit the event page available on Facebook named 'Candlelit Vigil for Brianna Ghey' which has been set up by Chloe Evans-Lippett.

Chloe said: "It's about a 16 year-old girl who passed away alone in a park for being herself and for living her authentic life.

"In the UK we have to strive to create a communtiy and a society that loves and accepts every member of it.

"It's our responsibility within the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies to lead the change that we want to see.

"I think it is really important that the trans and non-binary people that live in Bridport and West Bay know that they can walk our streets safely and that there are people that love and support them. It's about sending Brianna's family and friends love and peace."

Elsewhere in the county, an emotional service was attended by around 60 people on Saturday, February 18. 

Held on Weymouth's Esplanade, many made moving speeches at the service which was organised by Charity Gardiner, a youth worker in charge of the Space Youth Project in Bridport.

Following this, another service was held in Bournemouth on Sunday, February 19 on the steps in the Triangle. 

Since the tragic death of Brianna, a fundraiser has been launched to generate money for her family. 

The fundraiser, which can be found on the GoFundMe website at https://www.gofundme.com/f/brianna-ghey, has raised over £111,000 at the time of writing.