DORSET and Wiltshire Fire and Rescue say its own investigation into allegations of abuse and inappropriate behaviour will include speaking to every one of its female staff.

It follows revelations disclosed in an ITV news programme which detailed shocking and inappropriate behaviours from some male staff towards female colleagues.

Authority chair, Dorset Cllr Rebecca Knox, told an authority meeting in Salisbury this morning that the internal investigation would run in parallel with the police investigation.

She said the allegations made had been deeply concerning and were being treated seriously.

The fire and rescue investigation will be led by a woman, yet to be announced, although a short-list of suitable candidates has been drawn up and a draft terms of reference for the investigation was being prepared.

Cllr Knox said the authority had also set up a confidential help service which any staff could use and said that appropriate support would be offered, where needed.

She told the meeting that despite the claims it ought to be remembered that the vast majority of staff were “good people, working hard and do a good job.” but said that inappropriate behaviours “will be tackled head on.”

She said that no questions would be able to be asked about the investigation at the meeting in view of the police operation now being ‘live.’

Cllr Knox said that once the investigation was concluded it would be published and would then be available for fire and rescue authority members to ask further questions.

Ironically the first item of business at the meeting was the findings of a recent inspection report where the authority was found to be ‘good’ and with appropriate health and safety provisions in place for its staff.