DORCHESTER'S mayor says she is 'extremely shocked' after a teenager was robbed by a knife-wielding masked man in the town centre.

A 14-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl were walking down South Street when they encountered two men wearing ski masks.

Police said the victims were 'concerned for their safety' and made off in the direction of the Tudor Arcade, but one of the men approached the teenagers and tried to speak to the boy.

As they were talking, the boy saw him pull what was believed to be a box cutter style knife from his pocket.

The youngster fled the scene but when he returned to South Street later, he saw the two offenders again and one of them threatened him before taking his bag and coat.

It happened at around 6.20pm on Sunday, January 29.

Janet Hewitt, Mayor of Dorchester, echoed the police appeal for anyone with more information on the 'distressing' incident to come forward.

"I am extremely shocked by it and that it could happen in our town," she said. "It is so unusual that we have got something like this.

"We are generally very lucky so this is shocking because it is a 14-year-old boy getting robbed in a main street at 20 past six in the evening.

"It was dark but to hear the offender had a knife makes it even more frightening."

Cllr Hewitt added that parents should 'always know where their children are' when out and about.

"I am sure the majority of them are [safe] but this is a little bit of a wake-up call to parents," she said. "I think they need to know where their children are."

The mayor said there has been an increase in anti-social behaviour in Dorchester but was confident the police were 'picking this up'.

"We have got to be aware of this and report it. We do not want anything to happen in our town and we want to keep our people safe," she added.

"If I can make a plea to anybody that knows anything about this to please report it."

Police Constable Mike Rumsby, of Dorchester police, added: “This was a distressing incident for the victims, and we are carrying out a number of enquiries to identify those involved.

“I would ask anyone who witnessed what happened, or who has any information that might assist our investigation, to please contact us."

Anyone with information is asked to contact Dorset Police at or by calling 101, quoting 55230014950.

Independent charity Crimestoppers can also be contacted anonymously online at or by calling 0800 555 111.