A SEA Cadet group in Portland received a visit from a special guest at a recent prize-giving ceremony. 

TS PENN were visited by the Mayor of Portland, Councillor Pete Roper who inspected the parade at its annual prize-giving evening. He later presented awards to recognise the Cadet’s successes in all of their various afloat and ashore activities over the past 12 months.

The Chairman of the Portland Branch of the Royal Naval Association (RNA), Mr Alex ‘Dusty’ Miller, also attended the evening and presented the Diamond Community trophy to Ordinary Cadet rate Katie who supported numerous local community events throughout the year, including civic services. 

The evening included a presentation showcasing what the cadets have learned across the year, it was concluded by Cllr Roper presenting O/Cdts Oakley, Katie and Lily with their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award certificates, and L/Cdt Jacob with the Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award Certificate.

Commanding Officer of Portland Unit, Lt (SCC) Rachel Harris, said: “We have had a fantastic year, and it has been all the more special for having been able to get back to a full program of activities and experiences after the previous two years of restrictions, with Cadets competing in various Competitions across the South West, having great fun out on the water and challenging themselves on adventurous activities.  

"It’s just great to recognise all of their achievements in this way, and we really appreciate the fantastic support that we receive. The Cadets thoroughly enjoyed the evening, as did all the guests!!”

For further information about the sea cadets at Portland visit www.sea-cadets.org/portland.