Generous freemasons from Weymouth and Portland have donated iPads to children receiving care at Dorset County Hospital.

The three devices, worth about £1,000, were delivered to the hospital's Kingfisher Ward to keep young patients occupied during their stay.

Alan Wise, master of both the Portland Mark Lodge and Trinity Lodge, joined wife Lynda to visit staff at the Dorchester hospital.

The money raised to purchase the iPads came from Christmas dining-in nights, while Currys of Weymouth provided three chargers free of charge.

Mr Wise said: “The members of the Portland Mark and Trinity Lodges, and their wives, wanted to support Dorset County Hospital this Christmas because of the great work they continue to do for our families and our community."

Paul Myatt, of the Kingfisher Ward play team, said the donation would provide his team with an invaluable resource and the iPads would make a huge difference to the experience of children being cared for on the ward. 

For more information about ways to support the Dorset County Hospital Charity, visit or email