Staff working at a Dorset hospital have once again been applauded for providing 'outstanding' palliative and end-of-life care.

The Willows unit at Sherborne’s Yeatman Hospital were commended for the health service provided. 

Two wards on the unit, Beech and Rowan, have been reaccredited by the Gold Standards Framework (GSF) – a national programme to improve care for people in their final days.

Staff efforts to maintain high standards during the pressures of COVID-19 earned them the GSF Platinum Award.

This was collected by Beech Ward sister Denise Willmetts and staff nurse Joanna Horsington at a ceremony in London.

Hospital matron Ali Low said: “It’s great news we have once again been reaccredited and awarded the GSF Platinum Award for delivering end-of-life care during the pandemic.

“I am very proud of the whole team, which works tirelessly to provide excellent care to patients while also providing vital support to their loved ones at an incredibly difficult time.”

The Yeatman was one of 75 health venues that received the prestigious hallmark across the country. 

To find out more about the Yeatman Hospital visit