A WAR of words over a housing development close to Wolfeton House, Charminster has broken out – again.

A planning inquiry opened in Dorchester on Thursday into an “in principle” application for up to 80 homes off Westleaze on a site known by locals as The Strawberry Field.

Virtually the same arguments were made as they had been in 2019 during an appeal over the planning refusal of a larger scheme for 120 homes.

The developers say the smaller, revised scheme, with ‘buffer zones’ at the perimeter, fewer houses, extra landscaping and redesigned homes, together with pushing the build zone further north, would soften the impact on the grade 1 listed Wolfeton House.

Dorset Council officers and many local resident maintain that no matter how much landscaping is used; however the site is re-aligned and no matter how the homes are designed – by building anything in the area it would fundamentally upset the setting of Wolfeton and the relationship with the Charminster Conservation Area and views from Poundbury hillfort in Dorchester.

As in the 2019 inquiry Thomas Hardy’s short story set in the property and his visits to the area featured to underline the cultural and heritage importance of Wolfeton, said by some to be the best example of a property of its type in the country.

Local author and historian Gwen Yarker threw another local ‘worthy’ into the pot by producing watercolours from Dorset artist Henry Joseph Moule (1825-1904) to show that the setting had remained virtually unchanged over more than a hundred years, an argument she said, for keeping it that way.

Moule had known Hardy for around 50 years, teaching the former Dorchester architect, turned author, how to paint the Dorset landscape he treasured and which featured throughout his novels, short stories and poetry.

Matthew Clark, who lives next to the listed Riding House building at Wolfeton, said that in his view, as an arborist, no matter how much landscaping was applied to the site it would be impossible to mitigate the effect of so many houses.

He spoke about the night-time impacts of the extra properties and additional cars on what he said was currently a “tranquil and bucolic setting” where walking out at night meant still being able to see countless stars in peace.

He also warned about relying on existing trees around Wolfeton to screen the property saying that many were now ‘veterans’ and unlikely to be around forever.

Council conservation officer Sarah Baines argued that any building would affect the setting of Wolfeton House itself and other listed features such as the recently restored Riding House, the old stable building behind it and the recently listed grade 2 Lodge just off the Dorchester to Yeovil main road.

She told the Inspector of the remains of a medieval village which could still be seen close to the main house and said that, all of the features collectively, in their open landscape “significantly contribute to the high status and feel of Wolfeton.”

Council senior landscape architect Colm O’Kelly said that any building would significantly change the area from rural, agricultural and pastoral into suburban, which, in his opinion could not be mitigated.

“It doesn’t matter that there has been a reduction (in house numbers) it would still have a significant impact,” he said, drawing the eye to the development whether viewing from nearby, or further away, such as Poundbury hillfort.

James Atkin, from the Pegasus Group which is promoting the development for Land Value Alliances, told the hearing that the houses would be ‘blended’ into the landscape and argued that their impact would not be as stark as residents and Dorset Council claimed. He put their impact as between ‘minor and moderate’ claiming it was ‘entirely possible’ to mitigate their presence with the measures the developer was proposing, although he conceded that some landscaping would take time to be effective.

A site visit is due to take place with the Inspector before she considers whether or not to allow the outline application for up to 80 homes on the site.

Even if that is approved the developers will then have to submit the details of their scheme for the Dorset Council planning team to consider.