TWO brothers are getting set to tackle Weymouth’s annual harbour swim in memory of their father - Dorset’s former fire chief Darran Gunter.

Rhys, 24, and David, 31, will be among the hundreds of swimmers braving the icy chill on Christmas Day in order to raise money for well-deserving charities.

The brothers have chosen Weldmar Hospicecare in recognition of the support the charity provided their father. 

Darran spent more than 30 years with Dorset and Wiltshire Fire Service; he served as Dorset’s Chief Fire Officer and pioneered many of the force’s prevention programmes.

He passed away in October 2021 following a battle with cancer.

Explaining why the pair had chosen the challenge, Rhys said: “Every year we would go down as spectators to watch with dad and we always joked that we’d do it one day. It’s the first charity event we’ve done since dad died and if he was here now he’d be wetting himself at the thought of us doing it.

“Our swimming is alright but I’ve not done too much preparation - I did think about having some cold showers but the thought of that put me off, if I’m honest.”

Whilst many on the day will tackle the swim dressed as Santa or even a christmas pudding, Rhys and David have opted to play it safe with a traditional wetsuit.

The pair have smashed their initial fundraising target of £250 and are closing on the £1,000 milestone.

Rhys said it was ‘fantastic’ to be able to raise funds for Weldmar - a charity who have continued to support his family following Darran’s death.

“It’s a really important charity for us - they were there for dad from when he was diagnosed to when he was receiving end of life care. They were there for him physically and mentally and they’ve continued to support us as a family and it’s just great for them to get the recognition they did and for us to be able to get back”, he said.

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