The Dorset Echo Christmas Toy Appeal has received more requests for toys than ever before this year, all of which have been fulfilled thanks to the kind support of readers and local businesses.

Sadly every year there are families who can’t give their children the Christmas they deserve, which is why more than 20 years ago we launched the Toy Appeal to raise money and collect toys so that no child in Dorset goes without.

In total, 848 children in Dorset will be receiving a Christmas present this year thanks to the generosity of kind-hearted readers and local businesses who donated a fantastic £5,370, along with hundreds of toys.

Regional Group Editor Diarmuid Macdonagh said: “The Dorset Echo has been running the toy appeal for the past 23 years, helping to put a smile on the faces of disadvantaged children across the county at Christmas.

“It makes you feel proud to be part of a community that is still so willing to give back to others who are less fortunate despite going through their own struggles in an uncertain world.

“On behalf of everyone at Dorset Echo, I want to say a huge thank you to every single one of the kind-hearted people and businesses who have given so generously. You have played a huge part in making a difference to so many children who otherwise would have gone without this Christmas.”

Dozens of businesses and local groups supported the campaign with cash donations, including Free Range Crackers, Dorset Accountancy, Rapid Mobility, Medisave, Dorchester Timber, Nicholl World Travel, local builder Mike Walter and more. The Closet in Weymouth even raised over £2,400 for the appeal with their annual fundraising event.

The appeal was also bolstered by donations from kind readers donating money and toys through boxes placed at collection points across West Dorset.

A social worker who collected toys said: "Thank you so much for the huge amount of toys that we have received from you and your readers!

"We are blown away and we know that the children and families will be so appreciative too."

Debbie Hellaby, brand marketing and compliance manager, said: “Thank you to every person, business and group who chose to support the toy appeal this year, the team and I have been blown away once again by your generosity.

“Given how difficult things are now with the cost-of-living crisis, the need for the appeal was greater than ever before and we are proud to have been able to help the community.

“A big thank you in particular to the collection bin locations, Weymouth Rotary Club for regularly emptying the collection bins and the elves at the Dorset Echo.”