The speed limit on a major route connecting Portland and Weymouth could be reduced following two fatal collisions on the road.

Councillors sitting on Portland Town Council met on Wednesday evening to discuss the issue of lowering the limit from 60mph to 50mph on Portland Beach Road at the request of Dorset Council. 

This route has been the site of two fatal collisions in recent years, while there is also an adjacent cycle path running alongside with no physical barrier separating bicycles and vehicles.

The report that went before full council this week also stated that there is an increase in traffic turning into the road from Billy Winters cafe and the Cross Fit Gym.

There are also reported to be more windsurfers crossing from a nearby car park, councillors sitting on the town council were informed. 

Dorset Council would be happy to consider the implementation of a speed reduction to 50mph, it added.

However, to facilitate this, it would need the support of Portland Town Council as the stretch of road, which is the only route to and from the two towns, is within the Portland ward.

The topic of reducing the speed limit had been raised with Dorset Council by Weymouth Town Council, and has been at the centre of debate for some time. 

A petition was set up several years ago requesting that the limit be lowered - but was followed by a counter petition asking for it to remain at the National Speed Limit, meaning the proposal was not progressed. 

Councillors unanimously voted to approve a recommendation to support the proposal to reduce the speed limit on Portland Beach Road to 50mph at last night's meeting, and the issue will be progressed back to Dorset Council which will have the final say.