‘I wouldn’t come out if I wasn’t coming here’ – these are the words of a resident supported by a community group that is fighting loneliness in the community.

St Andrews Community Angels, a volunteer group based in Preston, Weymouth, hosted a Christmas luncheon for elderly people living in the area.

The 'Angels' offer support to the community and aim to figh loneliness.

This ranges from running small errands to regular friendly visits for some welcome company. Volunteers say it is all about being a good neighbour.

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This year the group hosted a Christmas lunch which was attended by 30 to 40 of the older people supported by the group.

Maley Abbott, 98, is one such person. She said: “I wouldn’t come out if I wasn’t coming here. I wouldn’t go out. This is my Christmas Day.

"They do lots and lots of wonderful things. I don’t know what I used to do without it. I thoroughly enjoy it and look forward to coming."


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Started over a decade ago to combat loneliness in the elderly of Preston, Weymouth, the volunteers are referred to as ‘angels’, and those they help as ‘neighbours’. 

Bill Reeks, 100, has been retired for 33 years and is another of the ‘neighbours’. He said: “I think the Community Angels are unique. They are marvellous, and we are very lucky to have them. I don’t know of any other organisation like them.”

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Cliff Hitchin is the volunteer working as Bill’s ‘angel’. He said: “Bill is a smashing fellow, shot down by the Japanese in WW2 and was rescued by the Americans.

“His life has opened brilliantly, it has made such a difference, and that is why I joined the group, to begin with.

“I visit another couple as well. Sometimes when I can’t see them, I will phone, and it makes such a difference.”

Community Angel Administrator Brian Sadler said: “Community is the thing. We are hoping everyone can be good neighbours and be kind to each other.

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“Our 40 to 50 volunteers visit about 100 neighbours, and we are always looking for more. The more volunteers we have the more we can give.”

Those interested in volunteering with the group or want to become a ‘neighbour’ or want to find out more can contact standrewsangels@hotmail.co.uk or call 01305 834866.