A REQUEST has been made for double yellow lines to be painted on a road near a popular Weymouth viewpoint and dog-walking spot.

Concerns have been raised about parked cars along Bowleaze Coveway at Bowleaze Cove, particularly during summer. Currently there are double yellow lines on the north side of the road only, and a resident has called upon local authorities to request that double yellow lines be extended along a section of the road from outside number 99 to 109 Bowleaze Coveway.

Preston councillor Tony Ferrari raised the issue on behalf of the resident during a Weymouth Town Council planning committee meeting last week.

A report to the committee states that since yellow lines were originally put in place, several new houses have been built and parked cars often block their driveways.

Cars parking on both sides of the road near the Riviera Hotel are also preventing access for deliveries as they make it difficult for lorries to turn.

Dorset Echo: A request has been made for double yellow lines to be extendedA request has been made for double yellow lines to be extended (Image: Weymouth Town Council)

There is also concern regarding emergency service access for the rear of the Riviera Hotel.

“There was an incident last year where an emergency vehicle couldn’t get through,” councillor Tony Ferrari told the meeting last week. He said there is a particular issue during summer when people park on both sides of the road.

Councillor David Northam noted that the request had come from an individual and not the hotel, and raised concerns that there are few places for local people to park for free.

“I think it would be a loss of amenity to so many people in Weymouth to have double yellow lines; I think it's only really a problem in the height of summer,” he said, adding that there are two entrances and another exit point to the Riviera. “I’m slightly nervous about Weymouth being covered with double yellow lines."

Members of the committee noted that a full Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) would also be needed if new yellow lines are to be put in place – however residents of the street also have the option to fund white lines being painted, which may be a quicker option.

The committee decided that further engagement was needed with the resident, and a motion was passed for Cllr Tony Ferrari to speak with them and make further recommendations.

The decision on new double yellow lines would ultimately rest with highways authority Dorset Council.