Bere Regis

  • THE work of three talented artists is displayed at Cyril Wood Court during Dorset Arts Weeks.

The collection is diverse and inspiring, and includes paintings by Peter Lightfoot, glass art by Bernadette Lightfoot and watercolours, sculptures and jewellery by Charles Tibbey.

The exhibition has been extremely well attended, with 100 people at the preview, and 350 visitors over the following ten days.

The exhibition is open each day until Sunday, June 8 from 10am until 5pm.

  • THE Pop in Place, in conjunction with Age Concern, will be offering a bi-monthly nail cutting service, starting Monday June 9 from 10am until noon, and again on Monday, August 11 from 10am until noon at the Drax Hall.

The cost involves your purchasing your own nail kit which you need to bring to each appointment.

The initial outlay for this is £10, and then there is a further £8.50 to pay for each appointment.

This is not a chiropody service, just nail cuttings, with no more struggling to cut your own toenails.

If you would like more details, telephone Sue on 07971338120.

  • BERE Regis First School would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the collection of Tesco vouches this year.

The vouchers collected have enabled the school to buy 24 new bean bags, 12 wooden eggs and spoons and a giant four-in-a-row game for the playground.

Your generosity is greatly appreciated by all the children.

From September, the school should be offering the children a hot school meal every day during lunch break.

A place in the school hall is currently being developed to provide kitchen facilities.

These will include sinks for preparing food and hand washing, a refrigerator, dishwasher and microwave, plus a table for distributing hot food.

A serving hatch will also be incorporated.

As the school hall is available to let out of school hours, these facilities may also be used to enhance any party!

  • The Bere Regis scout group would like to thank the UKAEA (the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority) for the donation of £400 which will pay for the replacement of much of the group's old camping gear.

The patrol tent will be replaced, and new water carriers and lanterns are also needed.

The beavers will get some tents for sleepovers in the scout hut too.

The scout group thanks everyone for all the support it has received.

The Royal British Legion Women's Section held a coffee evening.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to raise £150. This will go to the benevolent fund to help widows and families of the two great wars, and those still involved in the conflicts of today.

The gardening club has an outing to Chamberlaynes Mill House, Bere Regis on Monday, June 23.

Meet at Chamberlaynes Mill House at 7pm.

Robin Bloomfield will show members his bonsai collection, and give a guided tour of the Mill House gardens and the fish ponds.

Afterwards members will have a fish and chip supper at the golf club at Hyde, at a cost of approximately £7.50 each. To book, telephone Sue Stone on 01929 471933.