AN ESTATE agent in Dorset overcame his fears by taking on a 15,000-foot skydive for charity.

Neil Greenway, a director of DOMVS estate agents in Dorset, completed the thrill-seeking feat at Old Sarum near Salisbury which raised more than £1,000 for Weldmar Hospicecare.

Neil, who was originally signed up for the challenge by his wife Polly, admitted he was 'thrilled' to have raised more than £1,083 in total.

He said: “I can’t say that I was looking forward to the jump, but it was an incredibly exhilarating experience, and I am truly thrilled to have raised over £1,000 so far for such an amazing charity.

“It is the most exhilarating thing I have ever experienced. The first second, two seconds of tumbling out of control is frightening, to say the least.

"They release this white parachute which catches the air and instantly you get control but you are dropping like a stone."

After leaving the plane, Neil and the skydiving pro descended at 125mph for around a minute before the parachute was pulled to safely guide them back to the ground. All in all the flight took around five minutes.

Now having faced up to his fear, Neil from Broadmayne, admitted he would happily take on the challenge again.

He raved: "Absolutely! It has combated a fear of being out of control."

Neil's wife Polly said: “Weldmar provides specialist end-of-life care for adults with life-limiting illnesses and were chosen as our charity partner because of the extraordinarily compassionate support they provide, not least to my late mother.

"We are always thinking of ways to raise more money for Weldmar, and I’m so proud of Neil for getting out of his comfort zone and doing something that I knew would be a challenge."

Weldmar Hospicecare is a Dorset-based charity that provides free specialist end-of-life care for those with life-limiting illnesses.

Fiona Hansford from Weldmar said: "I am delighted to hear that Neil has faced his fears and completed his skydive as part of our ongoing partnership with DOMVS. On behalf of all the team at Weldmar Hospicecare, I’d like to say a huge thank you to Neil and to everyone that supported him with donations to the charity.

"This will help us to continue to provide specialist care to people in Dorset who have a life limiting illness, and support for their loved ones. We would love to hear from anyone that is inspired by Neil’s challenge and would like to give it a go themselves!"

You can still donate to Neil's fundraiser by visiting his Just Giving page at