A retired grandmother has been arrested after taking part in an Insulate Britain protest in London.

An Insulate Britain spokesperson said Annie Webster, 64, had been arrested yesterday (October 12) for her involvement in a blockade outside of Parliament.

The blockade was timed to coincide with the Prime Minister’s arrival at the House of Commons for Prime Minister’s Questions

Webster, from Dorchester, was among 26 protestors to be arrested after stopping traffic outside the Houses of Parliament, in resistance against what they describe as the Government’s ‘kill’ policies.

Annie Webster said: “I can’t be a by-stander whilst people are struggling, through no fault of their own, to pay extortionate fuel bills and choose between heating their home or feeding their family.

"Thousands of people will die this winter because they cannot afford to heat their homes, and this is going to get so much worse as we head into the energy and cost of living crisis. The government can choose to sort this out by insulating Britain’s housing stock, that is what we are demanding.

"It’s a no brainer, create thousands of good jobs, reduce bills, keep people warm and reduce emissions. The government just needs to get on with it."

A spokesperson from the campaign said “It has been 13 months since Insulate Britain started our campaign and we have had no choice but to return to the roads because the demand to Insulate Britain has not been met.

“Insulate Britain is part of the Just Stop Oil coalition. Insulation is vital in lowering the UK’s demand for energy and carbon emissions and for improving energy security by reducing our reliance on imported fossil fuels.

"We urge citizens to take a stand by joining the Just Stop Oil coalition’s campaign of non-violent civil resistance happening every day throughout October, meeting at 11am outside Downing street."

Insulate Britain said a second protestor from Dorset had been part of the protests on Wednesday, October 12 but didn't release further details.

Environmental activists have been taking part in protests across London this week with Just Stop Oil and Animal Rebellion also staging demonstrations.