A SCHEME to build four homes on an overgrown site at Weston Street, Portland, has been backed by planners.

Objectors were concerned at loss of habitat, flora and fauna, land contamination, loss of privacy, traffic and pedestrian safety matters.

Members of Weymouth and Portland Borough Council's planning and traffic committee were also told that the development would be detrimental to the fundamental character of the area' and that there were serious concerns at the access route with windows just a few feet from where traffic would pass.

But architect Paul Scott said it was an appropriate way to finish the site and would improve it, not make it worse.' He added: "I think it is a good little scheme and I hope you support it."

There were concerns about potential contamination from a nearby landfill site and Councillor Margaret Leicester said: "I think you will find that the landfill went a lot further over towards this plot than people will admit to."

The meeting approved the scheme subject to 16 conditions including ones for contamination designed to find if there was any and, if contamination is found, to deal with it before work starts on the scheme.