Job seekers and employers connected at another successful Dorset Echo Job Fair.

The event, held at Weymouth College, provides an excellent opportunity for employers to promote themselves in a face-to-face setting in what has become an incredibly competitive job market. It also gives job seekers plenty of ideas about their next big step.

The event brings together dozens of employers under one roof, across a wide range of sectors. Whether leaving education or changing careers, job hunters are encouraged to come armed with CVs, ready to hand to would-be employers.

Dorset Echo: The Dorset Echo Job Fair 2022 at Weymouth College is back after the pandemic. Picture: Cristiano Magaglio

The Armed Forces came out in force and career advisor Wesley Thornley, who was there with three Reservists, said: "It is really good, we have been busy with a lot of people and of a diverse age range showing a lot of interest.

"The fair is well organised, in a decent location and we look forward to attending more of these."

Dorset Echo: The armed forces stall at the Dorset Echo Job Fair 2022. Picture: Cristiano Magaglio

Loren Roche from I247, which provides outsourced fleet-managed services to the auto industry, said: "It has been good to come here and show people what we are all about. I have spoken to lots of people who have come over to ask what we are all about."

Detective Constable Nicola Sharpe from the police's positive action team (@PolicePosAction) said: "We are here to address underrepresentation in the police force and organisation, particularly women, ethnic minorities and under 25s.

"Today we have engaged with lots of young people who have shown an interest and have networked with other groups here."

Dorset Echo: Detective Constable Nicola Sharpe from the posotive action team (@PolicePosAction) at the Dorset Echo Job Fair. Picture: Cristiano Magaglio

Linda Harris attended to look for her next opportunity and said: "I am glad I came; I think I found my new career; it has definitely been worth it.

"Working in care is not something I have done before, but the people here made it sound very approachable."

Fair organiser Hayley Jones-Dowling said: "This is the first event since the Covid pandemic, and footfall is not what it used to be, but hopefully as people get more used to face-to-face meetings again numbers will start to rise.

"We are keen to add future events, this is something that will continue to grow until we get back to pre-Covid numbers."

Dorset Echo: The Dorset Echo Job Fair 2022 at Weymouth College is back after the pandemic. Picture: Cristiano Magaglio