
  • MANY thanks to everyone who supported the recent coffee morning. The tremendous sum of £360 was raised towards the church fabric fund.
  • THERE is to be a concert in the church entitled Music at Midsummer, on Friday, June 20 at 7.30pm.

It will be an evening of music and readings from the Serendipity Recorder Consort.

The proceeds of the evening are to be shared between the Brain Injury Unit, Portland Ward at Poole Hospital and the church.

The tickets cost £6.00 to include a glass of wine and are available from Mary on 01305 848499 and Peta on 849422


  • THE pre-carnival fashion show will be held on Wednesday June 18 at 7.30pm in the village hall, with doors opening at 7.15pm.

This is always a most enjoyable evening, and an ideal opportunity to pick up some bargains.

Children's and women's fashions from famous high street stores are available at knock-down prices.

Many of the clothes are shown by local models who will be taking to the catwalk whilst the audience sits back with a glass of wine to be entertained.

The show will be organised by JAS Fashions.

Tickets are priced £4 for adults, and £1 for children, and will include a glass of wine or a soft drink.

  • A FLOWER festival is to beheld in the church on Saturday, June 28 from 10am until noon and from 2pm until 5pm, and Sunday June 29 from 11am until 5pm.

The festival will have the theme of Wedding Anniversaries A festival Songs of Praise will be held on Sunday, June 29 at 6pm.

Light refreshments will be served in the church room.

If you would like further details of the festival, telephone 01305 848510 or 848746.

  • A CHURCH picnic is to be held at Duddle Farm, Bockhampton by kind invitation of Simon and Ursula Pomeroy on Sunday June 22 from noon onwards.

Bring your picnic, drinks, garden chairs or rug and enjoy eating by the river.

If the weather is wet, a barn is available.

For lifts, or for further information or directions to Duddle Farm, telephone either Pat Alford on 01305 848746 or Jim and Diana Wilson on 848510.

  • THE Horticultural Association has a coach trip to Castle Drogo, Drewsteignton, near Exeter on Wednesday June 18, leaving Puddletown at 9am and return around 6pm.

If any non-member would like to join the outing, the cost is £12 for National Trust members and £18 for non-Trust members.

Please contact Pat on 01305 848746 for all information.

The Horticultural Association's summer show will be held on Saturday, August 2.

Schedules will be available during July.

It is an open show and the photographic competition titles are Trees and The Open Road.

There are three children's classes, one of which is growing a marigold in a five-inch pot - a project that really needs to be started now.