THE Dorset Echo Job Fair is returning to Weymouth to bring together hundreds of job seekers with local employers.

The next Job Fair will be on Tuesday, October 11 from 10 am to 3pm at Weymouth College and will be free for the public to attend.

The event is an excellent opportunity for employers to promote themselves in a face to face setting in what has become an incredibly competitive jobs market.

The Dorset Echo will be promoting the Job Fair in print and online across its titles, and on its regional recruitment website – ensuring that the event attracts the best talent the local area has to offer.

The event traditionally brings together dozens of employers and under one roof, across a wide range of sectors. Whether leaving education or changing careers, job-hunters will be encouraged to come armed with CVs, ready to hand to would-be employers who interest them.

Angela Boyer, Sales & Events Manager at the Dorset Echo and associated titles, said: “The Dorset Echo Job Fair is a fantastic opportunity to meet candidates who are actively looking for work. We know that local employers have found the jobs market extremely challenging in the last 2 years and this will be a great platform to showcase what makes them as employers stand out from the crowd.

"With previous events attracting over 600 visitors, there are plenty of opportunities to recruit on the day”.

Jayne Barnes, Head of Adult Skills at Weymouth College said: “We are pleased to once again host the annual Dorset Echo Job Fair here at Weymouth College. As Weymouth’s local college we work hard – year-round – with our local community partners to provide real and timely opportunities to grow, upskill and rebuild career opportunities within Dorset.

“The Dorset Echo Job Fair will offer the opportunity to talk to a range employers direct about career and job opportunities and our college teams will also be available to talk through a wide range of adult skills opportunities – including Skills Bootcamps and apprenticeships – together with the range of career opportunities currently available here at Weymouth College.”

For more information on how to exhibit, contact Angela Boyer on 07788 335256 or