A HUNDRED sailors have been left high and dry after their race to Cherbourg was cancelled due to a French blockade.

Members of the three main Weymouth yacht clubs were involved in today's combined Rear Admiral's Cup and Cherbourg Race Rally - organised by the Royal Dorset Yacht Club.

Vice-commodore Barry Hudson said: "Apparently Cherbourg is blockaded by French farmers complaining about fuel prices.

"I found out after I advised the marina to ring the Cherbourg harbourmaster and he confirmed it, as did the port authorities.

"It might be lifted any mi-nute but they couldn't guarantee it wouldn't return.

"Basically we might be able to get in but not back."

Many of the disappointed sailors have made alternative plans to cruise to Dartmouth and the Solent.

But it has put a stopper on the long-distance final race of the prestigious Rear Admiral's Cup, as well as other cross-Channel sailing events being organised along the south coast.