BURTON Bradstock today slammed the door on unwanted callers.

The village has become the first in Dorset to declare itself a cold calling control zone (CCCZ) in a bid to deter rogue traders.

Dorset County Council's trading standards service, in partnership with the police and Home Watch, launched the pilot project to coincide with Operation Rogue Trader Day, a national event which publicises and cracks down on rogue doorstep traders.

A CCCZ is an area where residents want to stop uninvited traders ringing their doorbell and trying to sell them goods and services.

Signs stating No Uninvited Doorstep Traders' are displayed and every resident is given an information pack and a window card to display.

If a trader attempts to approach residents within this zone without being invited to do so, residents can call Dorset Police on 01305 222222 to report them, or call 999 if they are acting in a threatening manner or refusing to leave when asked.

All reports will be followed up by the police or a trading standards officer.

Dorset County Council's head of regulatory services Bill Jaggs said: "The zone warns bogus callers and rogue traders that they are being watched.

"It is a proven and effective measure in the fight against doorstep crime and gives people the choice to say no to doorstep selling, and protects vulnerable residents who may be at risk."

Residents are given three simple steps to follow when dealing with unexpected callers at the door: 1. STOP - Before you answer, stop and think if you're expecting anyone. Check the back door is closed and locked, taking the key out.

2. CHAIN - Make sure the door is chained, and keep it that way. Look out of a spyhole or window to see who is there.

3. CHECK - Ask for and carefully check the person's identity card.

Detective Inspector Jim Beashel of Dorset Police Public Protection Bureau added: "I would urge people to stop, chain and check every time an official or someone unexpected calls at the door."

Trading Standards say they keep in touch with residents to see if the zone has made a difference. If this pilot scheme is successful, more zones could be introduced in other areas.