• THE SUN shone brightly on the Friends of St Nicholas Church, as they got ready for their Bring and Buy on Saturday, May 10th, a day when there were five other events in the area.

Held in the glorious garden of the Gatehouse in Abbotsbury by kind invitation of David and Angela Neuburgher, residents and visitors alike were able to see a very special and private garden.

With far reaching views up to the chapel and down to the sea, hidden corners and lovely planting, everyone was entranced by the setting.

The hosts were on hand to chat about its development and the Friends did sterling work selling plants, cakes and other bits and pieces to raise funds for little extras for the church.

Lady Neuburgher who is president of the Friends was so delighted with everything that she has offered her garden again next year. Most grateful thanks go to Lord and Lady Neuburgher for their generosity. Over £400 was raised.

  • RESIDENTS attended the Annual Abbotsbury Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday, May 7th.

Apparently there was no requirement for re-election of a chairman this year according to the rules laid down in the new Local Parish Council handbook, 7th edition. Councillor Ford therefore continues as chair for this year.

Progress was reported on the Speed Indicator Device, its positioning and possible purchase of one for the villages at a cost of around £3000.

The Lawful Development Certificate for the recreation ground has been granted and thanks were given to Lucy Bailey for all the hard work in achieving this.

The need for a new larger notice board was discussed. As all were in agreement this will be ordered. A resident asked if mug shots of the councillors could be placed on the notice board to aid identification (behind glass of course).

Readers will have noted in past Community news of the successful independent surgeries that have been held by two councillors, Dave Stevens and Nigel Melville.

These covered a need which had been requested in the past and that had not been considered necessary by other councillors as it was felt that any residents concerns could be dealt with in a more casual manner.

However, Abbotsbury has grown in size and incomers do not necessarily know whom their councillors are.

It has been suggested to Councillor Ford that he offer official quarterly parish meetings where residents could voice their concerns informally and in discussion. Those in attendance thought it was a good idea and the first meeting will take place in July with 7 days notice.

A resident raised concerns over the state of Abbotsbury beach even though it had recently been thoroughly cleaned during the Big Dorset Beach Clean.

Beer cans and general rubbish was causing an ongoing problem on this part of the Jurassic Coast. One local dog had regurgitated a whole fishing trace. Thankfully the dog had not been injured as it had also swallowed a sock!

The chairman offered to contact the Ilchester Estate, who owns the beach to the high water mark,for their assistance.

Speeding along the beach road is also a problem that must be dealt with and again the Ilchester Estate will be contacted.

Sadly, the parish clerk gave her resignation with immediate effect in April. The position will be advertised in the Chesil Magazine.