GRANTS are available for Dorset companies to train staff in management skills.

The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) has outlined support for leadership and management development programmes through its Train to Gain service.

The Train to Gain service offers businesses advice on training and up to £1,000 in match funding to help it tackle issues in the workplace.

Train to Gain skills brokers have offered advice to 250 firms in the past four months on development programmes to support staff ranging from managing directors to supervisors.

Now more money is available for 100 companies in the south west.

Regional skills development manager Marion Sweet said: "Leadership and management development can be overlooked as businesses tend to focus on revenue, particularly if they are on a path to fast track growth.

"However, productivity, efficiency, staff retention and motivation, competitiveness and sustainable financial growth are all highly dependent on effective management teams.

"Since the launch of the grant, we have had applications from businesses spanning almost every sector."

She added: "The good news is that for those who haven't yet taken advantage of the scheme, grants are still available for 2008.

"I would strongly urge anyone interested in developing the leadership potential of their staff to contact Train to Gain now."

Call 08456 047 047 for more information or email traintogain@