A NEW walk-in health centre in central Weymouth will give patients access to primary medical care seven days a week.

The centre, which should be up and running next year, will offer the normal range of GP services, be easily accessible and will work closely with other local health services.

It will open 8am-8pm seven days per week, offer both walk-in services and appointments that can be booked ahead and it will enable patients to register with the centre while also offering services to patients who are not registered.

The centre may be based at Weymouth Community Hospital alongside the GP out of hours service and the minor injury unit but it could also be at another equally accessible location in the town.

The project is part of a national Government initiative requiring every primary care trust (PCT) in the country to provide a walk-in health centre in its area.

Dorset PCT said its decision to locate the centre in Weymouth would help it meet several specific needs.

Weymouth is the largest town for which the PCT is responsible and would most benefit from a 'walk-in' facility.

The centre will help people such as those in temporary accommodation, migrant and temporary workers including those associated with the tourist industry, asylum seekers and homeless people to gain access to primary care.

The trust added that, by offering a walk-in service, it would reduce the impact of tourists and visitors on primary care services for local people, especially before and during the Olympics.

Trust primary care commissioning deputy director Nikki Osborne said: "The health centre team will also contribute to preventing unnecessary emergency admissions to hospital in Dorchester by helping to deliver a new range of services already planned at Weymouth Community Hospital. These are being designed to provide safe and effective assessment and care closer to home.

"This is an exciting development for the town which will help local residents and visitors alike to access to primary care more easily and will complement the excellent services already provided by our GP surgeries."

The contract to provide the new service will be awarded following a competitive tendering process which is currently being advertised locally and nationally. Nikki Osborne added: "The PCT is interested to hear the public's views on this proposal.

"There is a link on the website www.dorset-pct.nhs.uk - click on the link Have Your Say and then Consultations. You can fill in the form and email or post it back to the PCT. Please send us your views by May 30."