DORSET MPs have paid an emotional tribute to the Queen's 'steadfast leadership' and 'devotion to duty and country' in the House of Commons.

On Friday, September 9, a day after news broke of the Queen's death, proceedings started in a packed Commons with a minute's silence, as MPs, all in sombre clothes, bowed their heads.

The Queen's death was confirmed shortly after 6.30pm on Thursday, and a 10 day mourning period began at midnight in memory of the 96-year-old.

Dorset MPs joined MPs from across the country in paying tribute to the longest reigning monarch in British history.

On Friday, South Dorset MP Richard Drax said: "None of us will forget what happens with momentous events or where we are.

"Like everyone in this House, from all the eloquent and excellent and speeches I have heard, and like millions across the world, I had an overwhelming feeling of loss. It was personal—we have heard that so many times tonight—and shockingly real.

"I was fortunate enough to have the honour to serve the Queen for nine years in the Army, meeting her twice and participating in her unique birthday parade on two occasions. There was not a Guardsman who would not have followed the Queen to hell and back, had she ordered it, such was the affection they had for her.

"Of course, it was not just the military who adored Her Majesty. The outpouring of grief from every corner of the world is testament to the level of respect and showing location of affection in which she was held. The Queen has been an integral part of my life, and all our lives, for so long.

"She has been the linchpin of our county. Her devotion to duty and country has been so extraordinary that I suspect many of us have taken her for granted, and like so many things that we take for granted, it is not until we lose them that we fully, fully appreciate their value.

"As I drove up today in the car, I could not help thinking that her parting reminds us all to hold dear to those we love, and to keep saying that we love them. On behalf of my constituents, my family and my friends, I say: 'Rest in peace, Your Majesty.' God save the King."

West Dorset MP Chris Loder said: "I rise to speak on behalf of my constituents in West Dorset. To pay tribute to our late Queen whom we have loved and admired for our entire lives. To share in the deepest sorrow of the nation - and to send our deepest sympathy to King Charles and The Royal Family.

"Queen Elizabeth was a woman of great kindness and faith, of incredible inspiration, of steadfast leadership, and was a family role-model for us all.

"The Queen was of my grandparents’ generation. Their sense of selfless service and duty, particularly during times of difficulty, has allowed us to lead the lives of freedom and democracy that we enjoy today.

"And since my own grandparents passed away, I, and so many - have looked upon our Queen as the grandmother of the nation and that is why the loss we feel is so sad - and difficult to describe.

"In West Dorset, we have the fondest memories of the many occasions that Queen Elizabeth visited us.

He added: "We, the people of West Dorset and citizens of the United Kingdom mourn our Queen.

"But our new King and his family are mourning his mother.

"It is therefore with profound affection and the greatest sympathy from West Dorset – that I wish His Majesty the King to know, that he, the Royal Family and the late Queen Elizabeth remain steadfastly in our thoughts and prayers at this very sad time. God Save the King.”