A warning has been issued after a cliff fall at Charmouth.

Authorities are urging visitors to the coast to heed warning signs after the slip at the weekend.

Dorset Council said: "On Sunday we had a cliff fall at Charmouth beach. Please don't ignore the warning signs - the cliff is still unstable. The debris on the beach is clay and mud which gets very sticky when mixed with water. To fossil hunt safely follow this guidance https://orlo.uk/2TWWO"

Dorset Echo:

It is the latest cliff fall on the Jurassic Coast - last month part of the coast crumbed at nearby Black Ven and also again in the Charmouth area.

It is warned that cliff falls can happen at any time and without warning.

People are reminded that coastal erosion including cliff falls, landslides and mudslides are all a part of the Jurassic Coast environment.

Heating and cooling can cause expansion and contraction in rocks - this can result in cracks and weaknesses forming. This can also be exacerbated by the rocks drying out in the heat which can result in cliff falls.