During the summer holidays there are almost always scare stories of gulls ‘attacking’ people.

These ‘attacks’ are usually exaggerated by the media and are very rare indeed, but inevitably lead to calls to cull them.

The holiday period coincides with the birds’ breeding season and, being such fierce defenders of their young, the birds may occasionally become aggressive to see off any perceived threat to their nest and babies.

To cull wild animals for protecting their offspring is nothing short of ludicrous.

Despite this, even if gulls are causing issues there are a number of effective, humane methods that can be used to discourage them from nesting on flat roofs or chimneys or from rummaging in our rubbish.

Animal Aid has free advice sheets that detail several humane, non-lethal methods that people can use to deter gulls and other unwanted guests.

We should show tolerance to these birds, not least because they are just being good parents, and some gull populations are in very serious decline.


Animal Aid, Tonbridge