A DORSET MP has called on the government to reverse their decision to cut the size of the army.

Earlier this year, the government announced that the size of the Army is to be reduced to 72,500 soldiers by 2025 - a reduction from 82,000 - as part of a move towards drones and cyber warfare.

This will be combined with an Army reserve of 30,000.

Speaking during a session of defence questions at the House of Commons on Monday, Conservative MP for South Dorset Richard Drax called on ministers to “reverse the very bad decision to reduce the army by 10,000”.

The MP, who served in the British Army for nine years, said: “Nato does outnumber, it is true, Russia, but we have to have the weight and muscle and mass to a certain extent to – and God forbid in the event of some sort of confrontation with Russia, and I would ask my right honourable friend (Ben Wallace) and my honourable friend (James Heappey) to reverse the very bad decision to reduce the army by 10,000.”

Armed Forces Minister James Heappey replied: “We are a threat-led department but as things stand … a lot of what is in the IR (Integrated Review) is proving to be vindicated by the realities of the conflict in Ukraine, and as we move towards Madrid (summit) and Nato is increasingly clear about (what) it wants as an alliance as capabilities across all five domains, the UK continues to lead thinking, rather than be behind it.”