A DORCHESTER woman changed her plea from not guilty to guilty after admitting harassing a woman by sending numerous text messages, a court heard.

Weymouth Magistrates Court heard how Emily Jane Hair, aged 38, of Chester Close send harassing messages to Charlie Croft between November 25 to December 16 last year.

On May 31, Hair admitted pursuing a course of conduct which amounted to the harassment of Ms Croft through sending numerous text messages.

Hair originally pleaded not guilty to the charge on March 16, but changed her plea of May 31.

The defendant was given a conditional discharge for 12 months.

Hair was given a two-year restraining order made where she must not contact Charlie Croft directly or indirectly. The order lasts until May 30, 2024.

She must also pay a surcharge to fund victim services of £22 as well as £85 court costs - totalling £107.