PROPOSALS that could see ferry services from Weymouth to the Channel Islands return are being described as "a welcome boost".

Dorset Council, however, insist some 'fundamental considerations' still need to be answered before a final decision can be made.

As reported, plans have been seen by Weymouth Town Council and Dorset Council that could see services resumed for the first time since 2015.

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The plans were discussed by Weymouth Town Council on June 1st after two years of discussions "initially with the States of Guernsey and more latterly, a major ferry company". 

Weymouth Town Council is "liasing" with Dorset Council over the plans, which have been formally submitted, but full details are yet to be released.

Ian Girling, Chief Executive at Dorset Chamber of Commerce, said the proposed return of cross-channel services could provide revitalisation to the Weymouth Harbour.

He said: “The return of a Channel Islands service would be a great boost for the local economy. 

“Hospitality, leisure and tourism could be among the sectors to benefit. 

“The new developments are encouraging although I appreciate it is still early days. 

“Many businesses in Dorset will be keen to hear more details in due course.”


Within the proposals it's understood that a trial service could start later this year with the first crossings potentially taking place in autumn.

Should that be successful, and a ferry service reinstated, it would likely see one or two sailings a week during the summer months.

Councillor Jon Orrell, Green Party representative for Melcombe Regis, said any such proposal that saw ferries return to the town would be a "welcome boost".

He said: "Weymouth has for centuries been a port. The return of ferries would be a welcome boost to the town and a return to its historic role. I am keen to push on and seek backing from Dorset Council and the local economic partnership or levelling up funds."

A spokesperson for Dorset Council said Councillor Spencer Flower, leader of Dorset Council, and Councillor David Harris from Weymouth Town Council would meet to discuss the findings of exploratory work into the possible return of ferry services.

Read more: Public support for new Weymouth Condor Ferries service

The spokesperson said: “Last June Dorset Council agreed with Weymouth Town Council that they would provide a costed business plan, within 12 months, for a potential future ferry service to operate out of Weymouth.

“Dorset Council recently received an initial outline proposal, but it does not acknowledge some of the fundamental considerations that we expected, and needed, to see. We have asked Weymouth Town Council to provide more detail including costs, which are critical for us to understand fully, before any decision can be made.

A cross-channel service previously ran from Weymouth until 2015 when Condor Ferries moved services to Poole following the delivery of a £50 million vessel that was too big for Weymouth's port.

Residents of Weymouth have long supported the return of ferry services and hopes were fuelled when it was revealed the boss of Condor Ferries held a meeting with council officials last November.

Last year Weymouth Town Council was given a 12 month deadline to determine the feasibility of bringing back passenger ferry services to the town. Councillors were given a deadline of June 30 2022 to assess the options for the redevelopment of the ferry terminal site.

A spokesperson for Weymouth Town Council said: "We are currently liaising with Dorset Council and we are looking to release a statement on Monday.

"Until this time no further comments will be made from Weymouth Town Council."