Dorset watercress farms have received a stamp of approval under new specifications which celebrate the heritage of watercress farming.

The Watercress Company - described as a 'significant player in the industry' and based at Waddock Cross near Dorchester - has become the first watercress grower to be successfully audited against the new Watercress Traditional Speciality Guarantee (TSG).

Dorset Echo: The Watercress Company receiving Watercress TSG specification. Picture: The Watercress Company

The TSG guarantees watercress has been grown using particular standards and methods.

It means that only watercress grown in flowing water will be allowed to be sold as watercress in the UK.

Following the successful adoption of TSG for watercress in September 2021, Dorset Council Trading Standards began an auditing programme to establish whether the farms run by The Watercress Company met the required standards - and now they have become the first grower in the world to be officially recognised as TSG certified.

This certification will be valid for two years before another audit will be conducted.

Tim Evans, Senior Trading Standards Officer for Dorset Council said: “This was the first audit against the new Watercress TSG specification.

"The Watercress Company is a significant player in the watercress industry and has multiple growing sites in the UK and overseas.

"The audit focussed heavily on the characteristics of the plants being grown and the physical properties of the beds in which the crops are grown, including the water source and channels.

"We fully support schemes such as this that help to protect and promote traditionally grown foods and I’m delighted to be able to present TWC with this certificate."

Dorset Echo: Watercress field. Picture: The Watercress Company

Tom Amery, MD of The Watercress Company said: “I’m extremely proud that The Watercress Company is the first grower in the world to officially pay respect to, and celebrate, the heritage of watercress farming.

“It is a traditional practice that has been done the same way for thousands of years, with care and enthusiasm.

"Some of our customers may not be interested in how watercress is grown, but I believe the majority are passionate about its health properties and the ecological way it is produced, and it is entirely fitting for it to be recognised in this way.

"When they see the TSG logo on packs, it will give consumers absolute clarity, and confidence, that what they are buying is the real deal.”