A bus offering free financial advice is making a stop in Dorset.

The Citizens Advice Energy Bus will have advisors from Citizens Advice (CA) on hand to answer question and give advice about debt, benefits, money management, energy costs, housing, employment, discrimination, available grants, other support and more.

It will be stopping at the Hive, Bovington from 10am-2.30pm on Wednesday May 18.

Ros Dignan, Project Coordinator, CA in East Dorset & Purbeck said: “With the cost of living crisis, more and more people are finding it difficult to manage every day expenditure.

"We want people to know that there is support available and our advisers are here to help people find a way forward.”

The advice is free and there is no need to book an appointment.

CA works to provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to people on their rights and responsibilities to enable them to find a way forward whatever problems they face.

Call the Dorset Advice-line on 0800 144 8848 or visit www.edpcitizensadvice.org.uk