YOUNG disadvantaged people living in Weymouth are being offered the chance to be coached by an expert for free in a bid to help them get a job.

Melanie Leach founded her own company to help train people in vital communication skills and as well as working with a number of global businesses she donates a proportion of her time to coaching young people.

Having moved to Weymouth within the past month she plans to get involved with her new area and offer up her 35 years of experience to help disadvantaged residents who are struggling to get a job find new employment.

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“I moved to Weymouth about a month ago, I am keen to support the local area and keen to help young people believe in themselves,” said Ms Leach.

“If you have got the right attitude we can overcome hurdles, I help them by teaching them a structure of getting a job with an entrepreneurial approach and giving them confidence.

“We provide training and coaching techniques for people to improve how they use video and voice technology, as well as in the room.

“We do work with some big firms but I assign at least 25% of work to disadvantaged young people to help get them jobs.”

Ms Leach says with ‘more and more’ companies hiring remotely being comfortable on a camera or in-front of the microphone is a key skill to have.

She continued: “It is about helping to give young people the skills on how to give a phone or video interview, people assume just because we have mobile phones we are comfortable on video calls.

“The work incorporates behavioural psychology, script calls and some method acting.

“People should not be put off by the acting because we work to take the positive elements of acting to help people be the best they can be and not only step into the light but shine.”

Anyone from the south Dorset area who is from a disadvantaged background and has struggled in obtaining a job is encouraged to Ms Leach via

She will be offering free coaching to help people from the local area get a job. in particular for roles within communication, sales enablement, employee experience and customer experience.