A DORCHESTER primary school's rating has gone down from 'Good' to 'Inadequate' in its latest Ofsted inspection.

Manor Park C of E First School on Melstock Avenue has had its rating downgraded from a previous inspection four years ago.

The school said it was disappointed with the outcomes of the report and was taking the recommendations seriously.

It said it had rapidly addressed key points and worked diligently since the inspection to ensure that each area that was picked up by Ofsted had been improved.

Ofsted gives schools an overall rating of either outstanding, good, requires improvement or inadequate.

Following an inspection which took place on February 9 and 10 this year, the latest Ofsted report said that there were 'widespread weaknesses' in leadership, that the 'quality of education is not good' and that pupils 'do not show respect'.

In describing what it is like to attend the school, the report said: "Pupils do not gain the detailed knowledge and skills they should across the curriculum.

"Pupils with the most complex needs do not have beneficial educational experiences.

"Over time they have not received the support they need. A minority of pupils’ poor behaviour continues to escalate. When this happens, it puts these pupils, other pupils and staff at risk.

"Expectations of pupils’ behaviour are far too low. Pupils do not have clear boundaries in place. Too many pupils do not show respect."

It added: "Leaders show limited capacity to improve the school. They have not identified the extent of the school’s weaknesses. Fundamental problems are not challenged or dealt with adequately.

"Pupils do not have sufficient knowledge of and respect for people’s different faiths, feelings and values. This does not prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain.

"The arrangements for safeguarding are not effective."

In terms of what the school does well, the report said: "The consistent approach to teaching reading ensures that pupils at the early stages of reading have lots of opportunities to practise their sounds and read aloud to adults.

"Increasing pupils’ physical fitness is a top priority for the school. Pupils like getting outside and keeping fit and healthy."

The school recently held a parents' meeting to reassure parents on any actions and how the school is continuing to move forward.

Chairman of the Governing Board, Patrick Myers, said: "We have always been proud of the inclusive nature of the school, making sure the school is a welcoming place for all children.

"As Governors we are acting swiftly on any directions made in the report and are committed to making Manor Park First School the best that it can be for all learners who attend. Whilst we are disappointed, we are focused on the future."