TWO war heroes will complete a non-stop 723km rowing challenge over three days on Weymouth Esplanade to raise money for veterans.

Former Royal Marine Commando Sean Phelps and former Royal Navy clearance diver Mick Kilby will be taking on the gruelling tandem challenge from Thursday, April 28 to Sunday, May 1.

The pair have been given permission by Weymouth Town Council to set up a gazebo and rowing machine on the Esplanade, near to the King’s Statue, for their charity challenge.

The pair will remain on site taking it in turns to row, sleep and eat under the gazebo over the course of the three-day fundraiser.

The 723km distance they are rowing represents the distance from the old HMS Osprey, Portland - a nod to Mick’s military career - to the Commando Memorial at Spean Bridge, Scotland, in honour of Sean’s service.

They are raising money for the David Ellis charity, which supports Weymouth’s Veterans Hub to continue providing a safe and secure setting for veterans and their families.

Portland man Sean spent six-and-a-half years in the Royal Marines and fought in Iraq in 1991 and Northern Ireland in 1996.

The 48-year-old - who currently volunteers his time as a mentor at the new Andy’s Man Club, on Portland to help tackle mental health stigma, - said: “We are putting absolutely everything into our training at the moment to make sure we’re in the right physical and mental shape to complete the distance.

“We know it’s going to be a tough challenge but we’re hoping to raise lots of money for a fantastic cause which supports veterans and those still serving in our armed forces, along with their families."

Sean, a qualified personal trainer who recently visited Weymouth College to give students an insight into the intense training schedule needed for the challenge, urged supporters to go along over the weekend to help keep their spirits up during the fundraiser.

He said: “We’ll have some visuals with us showing how far we have travelled, along with photographs of our armed forces personnel to give us inspiration. There will also be some people there with buckets so people can donate if they want to help the cause.”

Sean and Mick will be starting their challenge at midday on April 28.

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