LIBERAL Democrats retained their seat in Weymouth and Labour has gained a seat on Portland following by-elections for new town councillors yesterday.

Tim Young from the Liberal Democrats has been elected as the new town councillor for the Westham West ward in Weymouth. The by-election was called after the resignation of former councillor Trefor Morgan who stepped down from the post for health reasons.

Meanwhile, Reuben Lake from the Labour Party has been elected as the new town councillor for the Underhill ward on Portland. The by-election was called following the resignation of former councillor Robert Hughes, an Independent.

Three candidates stood in the by-election in Weymouth including Tim Young, Richard Kosior for the Conservative Party and Sara Greenhalf for the Labour Party.

There was a 17 per cent turnout at the polls and the number of votes cast for each candidate were:

  • Tim Young (Liberal Democrat) - 262 votes
  • Richard Kosior (Conservative) - 174 votes
  • Sara Greenhalf (Labour) - 95 votes

The win from Cllr Young sees the Liberal Democrats retaining the Westham West seat on Weymouth Town Council.

A spokesman for Weymouth Town Council said: “Congratulations to Tim Young who will join Weymouth Town Council representing residents living in the Westham West ward. The councillor vacancy arose after Trefor Morgan announced he was resigning due to ill health earlier in the year.”

Two candidates stood in the by-election for Portland including Reuben Lake and Susan Illsley for the Conservative party.

It was a close defeat from Cllr Lake who won with just five more votes than the only other candidate running and saw the Labour Party gain a seat on the Portland Town Council.

The number of votes cast for each candidate were:

  • Reuben Lake (Labour) - 194 votes
  • Susan Illsley (Conservative) - 189 votes

Cllr Reuben Lake said: "I would like to say thank you to everybody that voted and supported our campaign.

"I am looking forward to joining the council and continuing the good work that they have done in areas such as fighting child poverty and challenging the proposed Portland waste incinerator and I hope to be a voice for young people across the island."

Conservative councillor for the Preston and Littlemoor ward Louie O'Leary said of the results: "For us to get a 40 per cent swing on Underhill and come within five votes of winning a seat we've never won in its 43 years of existence is a very good result for us and to cut the Liberal Democrat majority in Westham West from over 200 to 88 on a 12 per cent in a ward we've not one for over decade only held twice in 50 years is another good result.

"Following on from our success in last year's by-elections in Preston and Wyke this shows the Conservatives are back in Weymouth I congratulate the successful candidates and commiserate the unsuccessful ones"