DORSET Council has pledged to continue working to improve life for Weymouth residents – in all areas.

The response came in reply to a question by Weymouth councillor Jon Orrell who said that since the former Melcombe Regis Board was disbanded three years ago the strategic approach to the area’s problems appeared to have been lost.

“The need to work together remains strong and the local police with the Business Improvement District, We are Weymouth, plus the town council are looking to rebuild this strategic approach. Can Dorset Council commit housing and public health input to this; the most hard-pressed part of Dorset that needs levelling up?" Cllr Orrell told Tuesday’s Cabinet meeting.

Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health cllr Peter Wharf said the council was committed to achieving “the best possible outcomes for Weymouth and its residents”, including addressing, and levelling up, where there is deprivation, crime, poor health, poor educational achievement or poor housing.

“Strategic leadership has been broadened and developed since the closure of the Melcombe Regis Board, and the focus on all areas of Weymouth is the right way forward, moving on from the emphasis on one ward.

He said that there had been investment in the area for public health project and significant new investment in drug and alcohol services in the last year.

“A further example is our Community Response pilot; this is a partnership between Social Care and Age UK supporting people to access resources in the Weymouth and Portland area enabling them to remain at home,” said Cllr Wharf.

“We commit to continue to be a vital part of the partnership approach described in the question, linking in with the Town Council, Business Improvement District and a range of agencies such as Dorset Police.  This includes housing and public health, but is across all of our areas of influence, with a great deal of input from our People and Place directorates and portfolios into strategies such as our Stronger Neighbourhoods approach.

“As part of our collaborative approach, initiatives and ideas that are coming forward from the agencies mentioned in the question are always embraced, and we continue to work together to develop the best way forward for Weymouth.”