A MAN was given a community order after police found him in possession of a knuckle duster during a search.

Samuel Bush, aged 44, was sentenced at Weymouth Magistrates Court after he pleaded guilty to the charge of possessing an offensive weapon.

Prosecuting, Charles Nightingale, said that Bush was arrested on December 13 last year and taken to the custody block at Weymouth Police Station.

The court heard that in the process of being searched by police a knuckle duster dropped from his clothing.

Mr Nightingale said there was no report that Bush had produced the weapon in a public place or used it to threaten anyone.

Bush was said to have previous convictions but no previous offences in relation to blades or weapons.

Mitigating, Patricia Sheehan, said that a pre-sentence report spoke very highly of Bush who was glad to get accommodation from The Bus Shelter project.

The Bus Shelter Dorset is a registered charity which offers rough sleepers with a local connection to the area somewhere safe to stay and support them.

Ms Sheehan said: "He wants to train to be a plasterer. It's very realistic and really positive."

Chair of the bench, Callum Bremner, said: "It is a serious offence, having a knuckle duster. Why would you carry one?

"We have heard you are trying to improve your life."

Bush was given a 12-month community order and must undertake 20 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement Days. He must pay a fine of £80 as well as £40 towards court costs and a £95 victim surcharge. A forfeiture and destruction order was made for the knuckle duster.