AN ELECTRICITY provider has said certain areas of south Dorset will have power again by tonight (February 21).

SSEN teams have worked overnight and from first light this morning to restore power to the remaining customers affected by Storm Eunice, the most severe storm to hit the South coast in over 30 years.

READ MOREDorset among worst-affected areas for power cuts in the aftermath of Storm Eunice

Areas including the village of Frampton and the hamlet of Rodden have seen power outages during the weekend, but the electricity provider has said those areas will have power again by 11pm.

READ MOREGrove Lodge, near Dorchester without power for four days

A spokesman from the electricity provider said: "SSEN apologises for the power outages being experienced by customers in south Dorset.

"Storm Eunice caused extreme winds with gusts of 80mph across our licence area and the days since have seen persistent strong winds.

"SSEN engineers are working in exceptionally difficult circumstances but have been making good progress in restoring supply.

"The restoration time for Rodden and part of Frampton is 11pm this evening.

"This has been set to allow customers to make alternative arrangements where possible, and recognising the frustration from customers if estimated restoration times are set and then repeatedly extended.

"However, we're committed to adjusting times for individual faults as soon as we have better and more precise information from our engineers on the ground."