In the next month or so the future destiny of Bridport will be decided, and decided by a handful of councillors, many of whom live outside the town!

The detailed plans for the development of Vearse Farm for 760 houses will come before the Planning Committee of Dorset Council for decision.

Unfortunately and disappointedly, there is no mention for the provision for the use of the land earmarked for employment.

From day one when Vearse Farm appeared in the Local Plan, I objected to the move. At the time when the plan was publicly examined by a Government appointed Inspector I took issue mainly on account that the land was in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

The Inspector agreed that it should be included but only on exceptional circumstances, and none were ever set forth. There are many problems inherent with the use of the land.

It has a history of flooding, the roads are inadequate to facilitate such a vast number of additional traffic movements, culminating in congestion and insufficient parking, and the present plans do not address these problems.

Moreover, there are other extenuating circumstances. There is sewerage entering our rivers and the sea, and the Bridport electric network system is old and not built with a 700-plus house development in mind.

I urgently call on councillors making the judgement to listen to the people of Bridport most affected using their vote according to their convictions.

David Tett

West Allington, Bridport

The principle of building at the site has already been given approval with outline planning permission - now approval is sought for the plan details, that is the layout and design - Editor